"I AM" Services

from $40.00

There's no one size fits all way to exist, your goals and desires are tailored made for your journey. It's easy to get lost in the concept of lack when most of the things you see are designed to make you long for consumption. Reprogramming your mind is challenging. Taking the mask OFF and giving yourself full authority to BE is challenging. But it's not impossible. With faith, discipline, and LOVE you can manifest the reality you desire.

My "I AM" Meditation services are available in person* or VIRTUALLY. I also hold space for one on one or group sessions*. These sessions mirror my journey of diving deep to reclaim my power while utilizing The Law of Attraction to redefine my definitions of self. Are you ready to dive deep? Choose one of the options and let's get started.

*In person sessions: As you may know I am a full time nomadic entrepreneur, please ask me if/when I'll be in your city. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM IN PERSON" to 678-463-0345.

*Group sessions are for 3 or more persons and will need to be requested BEFORE check out. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM GROUP" to 678-463-0345.

  1. LIMITLESS: This session is about diving deep into source and aligning our thoughts to LIMITLESS beliefs

  2. RELEASE TO RECEIVE: This session we will make space for our goals and desires by releasing what no longer serves our journey

  3. FEEL IT TO HEAL IT : This session is about taking the mask OFF and diving deep into trauma and pain from our past inviting healing in areas we suppressed

  4. ESPIRITU DE GUERRERO: This session we will balance our ENERGY with our INNERG; by giving our warrior spirit space to co-exit and thrive

Each session is 1 hour and 30 mins (Memberships are available )


There's no one size fits all way to exist, your goals and desires are tailored made for your journey. It's easy to get lost in the concept of lack when most of the things you see are designed to make you long for consumption. Reprogramming your mind is challenging. Taking the mask OFF and giving yourself full authority to BE is challenging. But it's not impossible. With faith, discipline, and LOVE you can manifest the reality you desire.

My "I AM" Meditation services are available in person* or VIRTUALLY. I also hold space for one on one or group sessions*. These sessions mirror my journey of diving deep to reclaim my power while utilizing The Law of Attraction to redefine my definitions of self. Are you ready to dive deep? Choose one of the options and let's get started.

*In person sessions: As you may know I am a full time nomadic entrepreneur, please ask me if/when I'll be in your city. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM IN PERSON" to 678-463-0345.

*Group sessions are for 3 or more persons and will need to be requested BEFORE check out. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM GROUP" to 678-463-0345.

  1. LIMITLESS: This session is about diving deep into source and aligning our thoughts to LIMITLESS beliefs

  2. RELEASE TO RECEIVE: This session we will make space for our goals and desires by releasing what no longer serves our journey

  3. FEEL IT TO HEAL IT : This session is about taking the mask OFF and diving deep into trauma and pain from our past inviting healing in areas we suppressed

  4. ESPIRITU DE GUERRERO: This session we will balance our ENERGY with our INNERG; by giving our warrior spirit space to co-exit and thrive

Each session is 1 hour and 30 mins (Memberships are available )

There's no one size fits all way to exist, your goals and desires are tailored made for your journey. It's easy to get lost in the concept of lack when most of the things you see are designed to make you long for consumption. Reprogramming your mind is challenging. Taking the mask OFF and giving yourself full authority to BE is challenging. But it's not impossible. With faith, discipline, and LOVE you can manifest the reality you desire.

My "I AM" Meditation services are available in person* or VIRTUALLY. I also hold space for one on one or group sessions*. These sessions mirror my journey of diving deep to reclaim my power while utilizing The Law of Attraction to redefine my definitions of self. Are you ready to dive deep? Choose one of the options and let's get started.

*In person sessions: As you may know I am a full time nomadic entrepreneur, please ask me if/when I'll be in your city. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM IN PERSON" to 678-463-0345.

*Group sessions are for 3 or more persons and will need to be requested BEFORE check out. Please email NUNUVIBEZ2020@GMAIL.COM or text "I AM GROUP" to 678-463-0345.

  1. LIMITLESS: This session is about diving deep into source and aligning our thoughts to LIMITLESS beliefs

  2. RELEASE TO RECEIVE: This session we will make space for our goals and desires by releasing what no longer serves our journey

  3. FEEL IT TO HEAL IT : This session is about taking the mask OFF and diving deep into trauma and pain from our past inviting healing in areas we suppressed

  4. ESPIRITU DE GUERRERO: This session we will balance our ENERGY with our INNERG; by giving our warrior spirit space to co-exit and thrive

Each session is 1 hour and 30 mins (Memberships are available )